1. Do You Believe?
2. Surrendering To God and His Living Words.
3. God Is Love.
4. God's Miracles And Protection.
5. The Wisdom Of The Lord.
6. Understanding God's Wisdom.
7. How Hungry and Thirsty Are You?
8. It All Starts In The Mind.
9. Words Are Very Powerful.
10. Faith vs. Fear.
11. God The Great Deliverer.
12. The God Of Perfect Timing.
13. God Hears.
14. The Prayer Of A Righteous Man Is Powerful And Effective.
15. God's Almighty Power, Protection & Authority That Is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.
16. You Have an Invisible Force Field of Protection with God's Almighty Power, Protection & Authority That Is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.
17. Start Using the ~ING~ in Your Life to Fully Activate the Almighty Power, Protection an Authority That Is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.
18. Conquering the Spirit of Fear with God's Almighty Power, Protection & Authority That Is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.
19. Conquering the Spirit of Unforgiveness with God's Almighty Power, Protection & Authority That Is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.